Entsendungen von Fach- und Führungskräften ins Ausland

international assignment

"The main reason for the failure of international assignments? A lack of integration. Our solution: we create a home away from home."



We support companies that send their specialists and managers with their partners or families to countries with an increased security risk and/or major cultural differences for a longer period of time.

schwierigkeiten aufgrund kultureller Unterschiede sind häufigste Ursache für das Scheitern von Entsendungen.” 

Deloitte 2008, “Entsendungs-
management im Wandel”

Why do expatriations fail?

There is hardly any other topic on which, from the early 1980s to the present day, the most diverse authors have agreed in their studies, publications, dissertations, and books as much as on the question: Why do expatriations fail? Why do they not bring the desired success?

Why has been the problem not solved yet?

For many, many years, a posting that was not cancelled was seen as the benchmark for a successful posting. Criteria such as labour productivity, motivation, loyalty, and turnover rates hardly played a role. This has only changed in recent years. Today we know: Abandonment is only the tip of the iceberg of a failed posting.

Why did I develop the program?

My name is Tom Ziemski, a former expatriate and the CEO and founder of Expat-Next-Generation. I created the Expatriate Protection and Integration Program, EPIP for short, for three reasons:

  • I almost failed as an expatriate myself.
  • The problems that lead to failure are always the same, without a sensible solution.
  • Sending expatriates with their partners and families cannot be compared to any other type of assignment. It is unique and requires a special service. 

The advantages of the programme

Maximising the success of the assignment

Minimising the failure of the assignment 

Saving costs, time and effort for the company

Increase in motivation, company loyalty and success of the expat

Referenzen der Zusammenarbeit


"Mr. Tom Ziemski served as an organizer, coordinator, and consultant in the Security Coordination Office. He consistently provided professional solutions, even for unconventional and spontaneous requirements or changes to procedures. His responsibilities included protecting over 300 employees and on-screen celebrities during the 2010 World Cup."

Head of Security

Daimler AG

"Daimler AG maintains locations around the world, including on the African continent. To ensure the safety of its employees there—specifically in North African Egypt—the company relies on Tom Ziemski, who has decades of specific experience and a unique network for the protection of expatriates."

Corporate Security

Lufthansa AG

"As part of a personal protection assignment in Johannesburg (South Africa), we commissioned Mr. Tom Ziemski and his team to carry out the task. Mr. Ziemski was our responsible contact person for the planning, organization, and execution. The assignment was carried out to our complete satisfaction."

Lufthansa AG
Head of Security

You want to make your next assignment a success story?

Schedule an appointment. We look forward to meeting you.