You left your old life behind. You wanted to get away from the same old thing. To experience something new. The opportunity has arisen. A new country, new tasks, new colleagues, a new home. You arrived a month and a half ago and are now settling in more and more.

The first few weeks almost felt like a holiday. The euphoria and motivation were huge. Everything was new and exciting. But despite the ongoing joy, daily life seems somehow exhausting. Things are not yet going as they should. This is perfectly normal, because the “same old” in your home country has made life easier for you in many areas. The daily routines that you completed without much thought or energy expenditure.

You still lack these routines in your new home.

According to studies by University College London, it takes around 66 days, sometimes more, sometimes less, until you have developed a new routine and integrated it into your life. You will have more strenuous days than easy ones during the period of setting up. Depending on the type of routine you want to establish and how demanding or strenuous it is, you will feel the desire to stop more often than you will feel motivated to continue. You may also not see any progress for longer. It’s all part of the process, and you have to get through it.

But in the end, you can expect a pleasing result: a successful combination of a lighter and more varied new live.

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